The World Leprosy Day 2024 appeal of the St Lazarus Charitable Trust has been launched by the Grand Prior, the Most Hon. the Marquis of Lothian GCLJ.
He writes:
The World Leprosy Day 2024 appeal of the St Lazarus Charitable Trust has been launched by the Grand Prior, the Most Hon. the Marquis of Lothian GCLJ.
He writes:
Sandra Pearce, Trust and Corporate Advisor at The Leprosy Mission, writes to update us on our World Leprosy Day 2023 project.
On the occasion of the Feast of the Epiphany, the Grand Prior, the Most Hon. the Marquis of Lothian GCLJ, has launched the World Leprosy Day 2023 appeal of the St Lazarus Charitable Trust.
He writes:
I urge you… to make World Leprosy Day a priority for your giving and praying. Let us be united in a common cause, as members of our Order, to support a project which will bring relief to countless individuals.
Daniel Morris CLJ, CMLJ, Clinical Director, Samburu Trust updates us:
The Order of St Lazarus Commandery of Wales has been most generous to the Samburu Trust in Kenya and we are very grateful for these donations, which have made an immediate difference to Samburu health and wellbeing.
The Office of the Grand Hospitaller urges us all to support this appeal for the suffering people of Ukraine
Following the recent tragedy in Lebanon, an appeal has been launched by the Trust to support the Christian community in Beirut, through the charity Aid to the Church in Need
During the current coronavirus pandemic, the local Commanderies of the Order of St Lazarus in England & Wales have been active in providing practical help and financial support to those in need.
You can read about what they have been doing on the Order’s main website at
Chev. Dr. David Woolf reports:
As 2019 draws to a close I enclose the latest telemedicine field report from our Clinical Advisor, Mr Daniel Morris CMLJ, of the Samburu Trust. As with previous Samburu reports please be aware that it contains quite graphic clinical images.
Last evening the Cardiff Oratory and the Commandery of Wales co-hosted a fundraiser for the Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Syrian Christian Refugee appeal. This is the second year that we have supported ACN. Our guest lecturer was John Pontifex, Head of PR & Information at ACN. John’s superb lecture graphically set the scene for the challenges facing ACN on the ground in Syria.
At 9am on Saturday 29th July five humans and two canine friends gathered in the rain at Lancing College and so began the 2019 Sussex Commandery Sponsored Walk. Armed with waterproofs and umbrellas we set off for the river Adur led by Simon. Along the way we encountered some rather large cows who, quite understandably, were somewhat reluctant to move. However, faced with our own cow whisperer, Jonathan, the cows were persuaded to let us pass by.