Grand Prior launches World Leprosy Day appeal 2023

On the occasion of the Feast of the Epiphany, the Grand Prior, the Most Hon. the Marquis of Lothian GCLJ, has launched the World Leprosy Day 2023 appeal of the St Lazarus Charitable Trust. 

He writes:

I urge you… to make World Leprosy Day a priority for your giving and praying. Let us be united in a common cause, as members of our Order, to support a project which will bring relief to countless individuals.

The project chosen by the Trustees this year is entitled Dare to Dream: Zero Leprosy in Ethiopia, and it aims to introduce a new model to prevent leprosy transmission, and train and equip healthcare workers to diagnose, treat and refer patients to specialist services.  More details may be found in the Grand Prior’s letter.