The St Lazarus Charitable Trust is the charity arm of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England and Wales. We work closely with expert charities, including The Leprosy Mission (TLM), LEPRA and EMMS International, on a range of projects from sponsoring student medical electives in leprosy-hit areas of the world to supporting local initiatives in India, Nepal and parts of Africa.

Our Vision is
- To be instrumental in the prevention and alleviation of leprosy world-wide
Our Mission is:
- To help and support those in need, especially those suffering from leprosy or similar diseases
- To change the public perception of leprosy in England and Wales
ewsecretary [at] (Contact us )to make a donation to our work in the fight against leprosy.
Or you can download a Standing Order form and Gift Aid declaration to send to us.