During the year, the Trustees made a number of grants from general funds:
The Leprosy Mission of England & Wales £28,932 (year 1 of 3) - to Premananda Hospital, West Bengal, India.
Anglican International Development (AID) £ 1,000 – for medical care and equipment at the Jonglei Health Sciences Institute in Bor, South Sudan
LEPRA £ 2,500 - unrestricted
LEPRA £15,174 (year 3 of 3) - Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India. for leprosy relief
Aid to the Church in Need – Lebanon Appeal £ 1,000 - immediate disaster emergency assistance
Aid to the Church in Need – Senegal Appeal £11,700.00 (Commandery of Wales) - leprosy clinic vehicle
Aragon Commandery £600
Avalon Commandery £370 (WLD appeal)
Cumbria Commandery £200 (WLD appeal)
King Offa Commandery £2,500
Sussex Commandery £5,700
The Marches Commandery £130 (WLD appeal)
Wales Commandery £8,500