Commandery of Wales supports Leprosy Mission projects in Africa

From Chev. David Woolf KCLJ, Commander:

Earlier today I received an update from Andrew Ellis of the Leprosy Mission of England & Wales (LMEW).  You may recall that for World Leprosy Day 2018 the Commandery of Wales raised £3,400. We donated £700 to provide medical supplies for the Samburu Trust in Kenya - Mr Daniel Morris CMLJ, Clinical Director of the Samburu Trust, provided a report in April 2018 as to how those monies have been spent.  The remaining £2,700 was donated to the LMEW for their 2018 project at the leprosarium in Danja, Niger.

We were able to fund three out of the seven Danja projects highlighted for 2018, i.e. the construction of latrines for the clinic; the funding of medical supplies for one year; and the funding of the education of ten pupils at the leprosarium school.  All of these monies were donated via our ring fenced account held by the St Lazarus Trust.  I am very grateful to those who administer the Trust because they enable the swift processing and allocation of these funds to the deserving causes we support.

Andrew Ellis at the LMEW wrote:

As you can see from the first two pictures the first two of the latrines have already gone up. There are still two more to go up, but obviously this is great progress already. These latrines are being used by the young girls at the school, providing them with some very important privacy. Until now they have had to go outside and had no proper facilities. The second set of latrines will be used by the boys, who currently have no facilities.

 Andrew also explained that the new school for the clinic is almost completed (see photo), and will soon replace the current inadequate building.